Ross Roses is one of the very few companies in Australia who develops their own varieties. Although currently on hold while garden renovations take place each year we cross pollenate many flowers trying to create wonderful new varieties which will do well in Australian gardens.
Our hybridising aim is three fold.
- The creation of totally new varieties with the aim of trying to create something which is missing in the market.
- To improve current varieties. As most roses are developed overseas when entering the Australian market many just don’t cope with our heat or humidity. Using known popular varieties we select pollen parents to cross with them to try and improve them.
- To create variations of popular varieties. Some varieties are extremely popular and using our breeding program we try to make variations which should also be popular. Some such as an apricot Pierre de Ronsard or Climbing Bonica are being worked on and in the future we hope we may be able to have for gardeners to enjoy.
In our trial beds we have many seedlings being considered plus many others from breeders around the country. After careful consideration, and an understanding of the Australian market, we select the finest to be introduced onto the market.
The following varieties have proven worthy of introduction and will in the next few years be introduced. No names or release dates have been included only images to tempt gardeners. Please give us your feedback on what you like.
Many of these roses have been developed by George Thomson while working with us while others have been created by members of the Ross family.
Roses are hybridised in Australia during November through to January however some crosses are conducted toward Autumn in specific areas.
This basic collection of images will give those interested a basic idea of how it is performed. There are interest groups which can provide more information to help if anyone wants to perform this interesting past time.
For beginners consider collecting mature self set seedpods in May, learn how to remove seeds, place in the fridge for 2 weeks than plant into potting mix.
Once self set seeds have germinated you can prepare to do your own crosses as per these instructions.