Ross Roses possesses an incredibly vast knowledge on all aspects of the rose obtained over many decades which few other companies can match. This allows us to lead the industry in regard to using this knowledge to help customers when needed.

We also control all our plant production not relying on other growers who can let us down with quality and supply. This on site propagation gives us the flexibility to do small production runs most others would never consider. 

To help our customers these are some of the services we offer.

Flower identification – The knowledge of thousands of roses for accurate identification.
Rose problems – A knowledge of all rose problems and how to correct.
Design service – Assistance with planning a rose garden from layout to selection.
Consultancy – Australia’s leading consultants with working arrangements in every state Garden visits – Flexibility to visit a garden if a need arises. 

Special budding – The ability to make any rose or propagate a variety not commercially available. (Conditions apply).